CEP Conference Room Meeting

CEP Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 19th at 10 am


Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 293 726 290 686
Passcode: bP6oo6DZ
Dial in by phone
+1 608-960-7638,,714465597# United States, Madison
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 714 465 597#


MEETING NOTICE: There will be a meeting of the Northwest Wisconsin CEP Board of Directors on Wednesday, February 19 at 10 AM at the CEP Job Center located at 417 9th Avenue West in Ashland. The board will convene into closed session during the meeting.


MEETING NOTICE: There will be a meeting of the Northwest Wisconsin CEP Executive Finance Committee on Wednesday, February 19 at 11 AM at the CEP Job Center located at 417 9th Avenue West in Ashland. The committee will convene into closed session during the meeting.


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